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The chartered plane transporting musicians Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the Big Bopper went down in an Iowa snowstorm, killing all four occupants on board. The tragedy was later termed "The Day the Music Died," popularized in Don McLean's song, "American Pie."1959 had a yearly inflation rate of 1%. The average cost of a new house was $12,400. The average yearly wage was $5,010. The cost of a gallon of gas was 25 cents. The average cost of a new car was $2,200. A movie ticket was $1, a loaf. This became a bit of a habit and I was always topless when he visited. After a few weeks I said 'I'm hot, I'm going in for a drink, would you like one?' 'Yes please' he replied. I stood up threw my towel over my shoulder, no point in putting my bikini top back on, and walked to my house. Once inside I put the towel down and face him , 'I can't believe this' as he cupped by tits and gently squeezed my nipples, I looked at he and he kissed me on the lips, I stuck my tongue deep into his mouth and. Her first real enema was complete now and Cherri wondered if the dumb girl would ever want another one. Most girls she knew liked them every noow and then when they were feeling kinky.Cherri went to her computer and logged onto Jim's site where she could now see the recorded video from Jack and Yolanda's trailer. She started the video and soon saw Jack sitting in front of his computer slowing jacking off as he watched porn. He had a pair of dirty panties on his head with the stained crotch over. "Eat my cunt! Suck my tits! Make me cum!"All three of the girls worked heatedly at their own lascivious tasks, sucking three very aroused and erect pleasure buds into their mouths and bathing them in their warm spit. Myra's body was beginning to tremble from the intense pleasure she was being served."That's it, girls! Suck me! Suck me! Suck me!" Myra cried out as her body quaked wickedly. Sharp jolts of hot sensation shot from her nipples down to her belly where it met an incredibly erotic jolt.
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