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Dave's only real passion in life was to hang around with his friends, chase pussy and party. His job at the dealership generated enough money for that. Since many of his friends were furthering their education, he also decided to try and go to college, at least until he found out what he wanted to do with his life. Neither he nor his parents could afford tuition, room, and board at a four year University so he did what many of his peers did. He went to the local community college, a two year. I decided to go inside... I found, as I came in, a pair of nickers they were all wet and smelled of pussy. Woau that was just what I needed. I quickly decided that I was going to play with myself in her room while smelling those nickers. I found the bed had still dirty linen and patches that smelt. I soon had my head under the cover I took my now big thick cock out and started to strike...I could smell her pussy every where and I could see her sexy curves in my minds eye ....yes how sexy.. Way too fast, it was bedtime, looking at her, “I think we are way beyond getting to know each other, so why don’t you move into this bedroom with me, unless you want your own private time?” She smiled, moving to my lap, “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do, thank you” We again kissed, running my hand up between her legs, feeling how soft she is, my own desire pressing against her bottom. This time, she did not hypnotize me or as far as I could tell, did not use any triggers she had planted.. We also had to keep an eye out for roaming parents who wouldn’t have approved even if we were all naked. Thus I knew my way around a cunt pretty well.One of the couples Beth and Carl (Sally’s parents) were regular visitors at our home as Carl needed regular hospitalisation so Beth would stay with us while Carl underwent his treatment usually for a week at a time. My parents would take this opportunity to get away at the weekend and leave Beth to care for me and my young brother. It was on one.
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